Physician Recruitment
Our clinic, called the “Little Clinic That Could”, would be thrilled to welcome a doctor or nurse practitioner to Bear River.
For the professional who can see rural Bear River for the wonderful community it is, we could offer space in a clinic complete with a collaborative team working in a holistic health model.
We continue to advocate for our community members by connecting with Physician Recruiters and Community Navigators, and by working with The Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment Community Fund in a relentless effort to attract healthcare providers to our wonderful river Community.

“It was wonderful having a doctor in Bear River. After my doctor of over 20 years passed away it was very difficult and meant long hours sitting in outpatients. I was so thankful when a doctor started at the clinic and I was able to see him. (Since his retirement) it is hard not having a family doctor in Bear River. Sometimes it’s a long wait for an appointment at the unattached clinic in Digby. We have a lot of seniors in Bear River, including me, and the convenience of a local doctor was great.”
Bev M.
“As nurse practitioner employed by the NSHA Southwest region, I had the opportunity to assist people in several rural communities in Digby County. Bear River Health Clinic was one of clinics that I attended at least once weekly.I have many fond memories of this experience. The people are foremost in my mind; welcoming and appreciative of the care offered to them. The village scenery is exceptional. During my travels to and from clinic or to get a bite to eat (good food) the river and seasonal changes proved spectacular. It was a village that gave back to me personally and professionally and I felt indebted.”
Margaret ONeill NP (worked in Digby County Health Centre 2012-2018)
“Family medicine in our rolling hills of Bear River & area entails a very dependable and supportive admin team along with strong rural community support that often welcomed us with some home baked goods dropped off at the end of our workday! “It was mighty mighty fine!!”
Dr. Roy Harding MD